44% of Small Businesses
Still Don’t Have a Web Site
2009-06-28 05:32:23
Over at Frank Thinking, contributing Pilgrim Frank Reed shares
a study that reveals just why it’s so hard to get small
businesses to break their local newspaper/yellow pages advertising
Then why shocked?? Why? Because they’re still using
the darn things! Even though a staggering 44% of small businesses
don’t yet have a web site–with 78% of them spending
5% or less on internet advertising–there is some hope
that small business owners are (finally) waking up to the
* 23% say they use the Yellow pages less
* 42% say they use the local newspaper less Over the past
two years,
43% of small businesses say they have increased use of search
engines in their marketing efforts. In contrast, use of traditional
small business advertising mediums is on the decline:
While 82% of consumers turn to the search engines when finding
a local business, only 69% of small business owners do the
same. I’m shocked! Either the glass is half empty (will
small businesses ever "get" the internet) or half
full (small businesses are a hot target for marketers). What’s
your take on the numbers?
Email Marketing
World Wide - Pakistan The Biggest Email Marketing Set Up in
2009-05-11 14:47:59
Email Marketing World Wide, Pakistan - The Biggest Email
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They do all the work! To launch a successful email marketing
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Get started NOW: http://www.emailmarketingworldwide.com You've
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Email Marketing World Wide
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Enjoy Master's
Twitters Accounts
2009-03-03 10:52:05
Hi, i have a surprised list of world's top most peoples in
search industry, from google, yahoo, msn and other mega organizations.
I am sharing there personal and corporate twitter's accounts,
so you could follow them on twitter and have massive original
news from the mega organization, don't thank me but thank
GOD. :)
Google & Google Product Blogs
• google / Google (main account)
• youtube / YouTube
• googleimages / Google Image Search
• googlereader / Google Reader
• googleapps / Google Apps
• blogger / Blogger
Google: Web Search
• mattcutts / Matt Cutts (head of web spam team)
• brianwhite / Brian White (program manager with web
spam team)
• nathanjohns / Nathan Johns (search quality analyst)
• beahburger / Beah Burger (search quality evaluator)
• reidyokoyama / Reid Yokoyama (search quality team)
• wysz / Michael Wyszomierski (search quality team)
• pedrodias / Pedro Dias (search quality team)
• filiber / Fili (search quality)
Google: Webmaster Central
• googlewmc / Google Webmaster Central (main account)
• susanmoskwa / Susan Moskwa (Google Webmaster Central)
• peeyush / Peeyush Ranjan (Google Webmaster Central)
• thatadamguy / Adam Lasnik (webmaster relations)
• johnmu / John Mueller (webmaster relations
Google: AdWords
• adwordshelper (main AdWords support account)
• adwordsprosarah (additional AdWords support account)
Google: More Twitters
• avinashkaushik / Avinash Kaushik (Google Analytics
• cdibona / Chris DiBona (Open Source evangelist, among
other titles)
• iamjason / Jason Morrison (Googler)
• jhuber / Jeff Huber (senior vice president, engineering)
• joshu / Joshua Schachter (technical staff at Google
& founder, Delicious)
• kraneland / David Krane (long-time Google PR maestro)
• larrybrilliant / Larry Brilliant (chief philanthropy
evangelist, Google.org)
• mikeleotta / Mike Leotta (Google webmaster)
• rklau / Rick Klau (business product manager, Blogger)
• skamdar / Sagar Kamdar (product manager)
Microsoft: Live Search
• live_search / Live Search (main account)
• nathanbuggia / Nathan Buggia (Microsoft Webmaster
• jandrick / Jeremiah Andrick (Microsoft Webmaster Center)
• ayazook / Aya Zook (Microsoft Live Search marketing)
• benmwatson / Ben Watson (Live Search software engineer)
• fareologist (official Microsoft Live Search Farecast)
• cashbackdotcom (official Microsoft Live Search cashback)
Microsoft: adCenter
• adcenterblog / adCenter Blog (main Microsoft adCenter
• msadvertising / Microsoft Advertising Europe
• melcarson / Mel Carson (adCenter community relations)
Microsoft: Powerset & Other
• powerset / Powerset (main account)
• barneyp / Barney Pell (Powerset founder)
• jsenior / James Senior (Live services evangelist)
Yahoo & Yahoo Product Blogs
• yahoo / Yahoo (main Yahoo account)
• yahoogames / Yahoo Games
• yahoomovies / Yahoo Movies
Yahoo: Buzz
• yahoobuzz / Yahoo Buzz main account
• yahoosearchdata /Yahoo Search Data (interesting stats
from Yahoo Buzz)
• meredfern / Joff Redfern (VP Yahoo Buzz)
Yahoo: Web Search
• searchmonkey / Yahoo Search Monkey main account
• cornett / Larry Cornett (vice president, Yahoo Search
• crispierry / Cris Pierry (general manager, Yahoo Search)
• grahammudd / Graham Mudd (Yahoo Search Monkey &
• jpederse / Jan Pedersen (Chief scientistt, Yahoo Search
& Ad Tech Group)
• mwinters58 / Mike Winters (Yahoo Search team)
• rajgossain / Raj Gossain (vice president, Yahoo Search)
• sheila / Sheila Tran (Yahoo PR)
Yahoo: More Twitters
• adamzarlengo / Adam Zarlengo (product manager, Yahoo
• dennismortensen / Dennis Mortensen (director of data
• kylelaughlin / Kyle Laughlin (general manager, Yahoo
• lauralippay / Laura Lippay (director of technical
• tonyadam / Tony Adam (SEO for Yahoo Audience Marketing)
• yahooguy / Gabe Elliott (search and display ad exec)
• askdotcom / Ask.com Europe
• keithhogan / Keith Hogan (vice president, technology)
• techmeme / Techmeme (main account)
• gaberivera / Gabe Rivera (founder, Techmeme)
• megan / Megan McCarthy (editor, Techmeme)
• twitter / Twitter (main account)
• ev / Evan Williams (CEO, Twitter & cofounder)
• biz / Biz Stone (Twitter cofounder)
• craignewmark (Founder of Craigslist)
• kevinrose / Kevin Rose (Founder, Digg)
• skrenta / Rich Skrenta (CEO, Blekko)
• thegoldenhat (head of SEO for Facebook)
Follow Up Marketing
is Better than Advertising
2008-12-20 12:03:33
Have you ever heard the saying, "I know that I waste
half of my advertising budget? The problem is I don't know
which half!" It is this very philosophy that is prompting
me to strongly inform you... advertising doesn't work!
Let me show you why: There is no way to track effectiveness
(or ineffectiveness)
It's impersonal
The target audience is too large
It's costly to redo or improve
There is no call to action
What surprises me is the number of small business owners
that save their marketing dollars just to waste them on ineffective
advertising. Then, they complain because nothing is working
and they don't have any customers.
I know what you're thinking, "Isn't advertising and
marketing the same thing?" Well, not really.
Let me explain the differences.
Advertising includes: commercials, billboards, radio, and
Marketing includes: emails, letters, postcards, and fax.
So how is follow-up marketing better than advertising?
You can track response rates
You can quickly change campaigns that aren't working
You can specifically target your audience
It leads prospects to an immediate sell
If you really want to attract more customers, you will learn
to market and leave the advertising to those gazillion dollar
More traffic = more
money It's simple math
2008-12-03 09:11:36
Keep it to yourself.
If you generate an income online (or plan to soon),one thing
is for sure.
===> You need traffic
More traffic = more money It's
simple math.
The challenge we all face is, how to get more traffic. With
the fierce competition using pay-per-click advertising, it's
tough to get direct heap traffic anymore. And getting natural
(organic) search engine traffic isn't easy either.
Once gain, competition is cut-throat. Also, when you factor
in link building, social marketing, video marketing... all
this adds up to 2-3 weeks of grunt work before you even see
a glimmer of results. Rather than spend *more* time away from
your friends and family (chained to the computer) trying to
generate traffic....
What if I could show you how to get *other* people to do
all this work for you... ... Get thousands of online customers
to talk about your website(s), send you traffic 24/7, and
give you niche-specific quality back links, and promote your
sites throughout the top social media sites and many more.
Imagine how much more successful you *could* be by having
this kind of leverage through an army of people helping you
dominate the search engines. (... and no, I am *not* talking
about outsourcing here or using some auto-robot software.
This is way, way more powerful. Plus it's completely Google
friendly) Aren't you a tad curious about what I am talking
about here? I am opening the doors to a service that has been
under the radar for several months. Actually, it's more of
an under-the-radar army than anything. This is the first time
you'll be able to grab the “FREE SEM Feasibility Report“
by emailing your website URL to more@magnag.com
For further details...
I think you'll be excited about what we have got for you.
Result Oriented Facebook
Advertisement Pakistan Dubai UK USA Australia Africa
2009-07-16 10:10:22
Facebook advertisement is getting hot these days as digital
marketing progresses to it’s youth. There has been many
good and bad experiences about Facebook advertisement, but
I believe advertisement always produce traffic and branding…
If advertisement was dead, no one would be using signboards,
TV commercials etc. because it has worked for them.
FACEBOOK ADVERTISEMENT We are offering cheapest “Facebook
ads management services” in Pakistan, Dubai, UK, USA
and Australia.
The main reason behind a result oriented Facebook advertisement
is the effectiveness of ads and attraction of the products
and industry. If someone says he has bad experience with Facebook
advertisement, it may be the lack of interest in his product
or unprofessional experts behind the campaigns.
A GOOD RETURN ON INVESTMENT So, we are now just a few days
into the Facebook advertising and we are getting results.
Yes, it’s very early to tell but the costs are negligible
compared to something like Adwords so we are more than happy
to keep this stream of traffic going for now having spent
just 1 US DOLLAR on 60 visitors (according to Facebook). We
recently ran a campaign on Facebook for one of our high tech
clients. The program was geared towards college students,
a perfect audience for targeting on Facebook because you can
select them down to the nth degree (age, sex, location, college,
relationship status, etc.). Plus as you keep narrowing down
your desired audience you can see what the universe size is.
It is pretty cost effective from an awareness standpoint however
our campaign saw the most clicks when we bid close to what
they had recommended. For programs using Facebook social ads,
I would suggest using your logo and offer inside of the graphic.
AWARENESS AND BRANDING Think of Facebook as a medium to create
awareness rather than a medium to generate leads. So brand
building will be a high in terms of Facebook ads. The crowd
that comes to Facebook is too diverse and probably not even
business inclined. They are most interested in listening and
seeing than doing something in the business sense. So trying
to get their audience to do something is not a wise investment.
It is possible to create a following or a mass which appeals
to the youth ego in the sense of a fashion statement, new
game which folks can play online, etc but for b2b it is not
yet ideal.
From these articles, it seems like people are having some
success with clickthroughs.
Connect with Real People
• Reach over 250,000,000 active Facebook users.
• Attach social actions to your ads to increase relevance.
• Create demand for your product with relevant ads.
Create Your Facebook Ad
• Quickly create image and text-based ads.
• Advertise your own web page or something on Facebook
like a Page or an Event.
• Choose to pay per click (CPC) or impression (CPM).
Optimize Your Ads
• Track your progress with real-time reporting.
• Gain insight about who’s clicking on your ad.
• Make modifications to maximize your results.
For more details please contact us at azhar@magnag.com
Social Media is Getting
Popular in Karachi Pakistan
2009-02-12 22:47:35
Social media websites are completely based on real communities.
People like to connect themselves with the other people living
in different countries and speak different languages.
People share their stories, content, videos, images, articles,
bookmarks and whatever they like to share. It’s very
easy: The registration is FREE, once you signup you are able
to organize your own bookmark lists and stuff.
Some of the worlds popular Social Media Websites are…
What I like about it, social media marketing is a healthy
tool of viral marketing. You can create your company account
and share your opinions, data, and thoughts with the real
people online. The total numbers of social media website users
in Karachi, Pakistan are getting higher each day. I hope the
day is not very far when we are gonna have millions of users
locally from Karachi, Pakistan. I am busy now a days with
huge tasks.. I will come back soon with more interesting and
valuable social media websites. One more thing, we have experts
of these social media marketing at MAGNAG technologies...
If you want to know more about it, gimme a call at +923213317911.
Till then, you take care KARACHI, PAKISTAN.
Thinking of building
a fresh website or re-working a current one?
2009-10-22 19:35:02
If you are at the moment thinking about a new internet site
and you would like big visitor numbers for the site then now
is the right time to adopt the services of a search engine
optimization company. The services provided by some of this
organization are necessary if organizations are to validate
the time, effort and cost that will be invested in a new site.
Depending on the difficulty of the website that is about to
be composed or re-worked your spend could rather easily reach
the thousands of pounds mark. If the goal is that the site
brings new customers, leads and business then it could be
the best designed site in the world but if possible customers
don’t get to see it, it’s useless. This is where
the Search Engine Optimization Company comes in.
though more expenditure at this time may not be great it is
absolutely crucial if any investment is going to create results.
You could have the best appealing website in your industry
but if customers do not see it appear on page one of their
searches results all the effort has been in futile. Your competitors
will be occupying the coveted positions one to ten and the
customer will definitely find what he is looking for among
them, meaning that your expenditure in your new website has
been wasted.
If you employ with the Search Engine Optimization Company
at this early juncture they will be able to steer you and
your web designer down the best possible path to make certain
that your site is obvious to the search engines. Whilst this
input without help rarely means that you will achieve page
1 search engine positioning without additional action, it
can radically cut down the amount of money you will need to
spend on Online Marketing once the site is live.
Once the site itself has been optimized to its up most the
Search Engine Optimization Company will then support the site
using a variety of strategies to make certain that the required
Search Engine Placement is attained, i.e. page one of the
search results. They can then continue to hold you on that
page with regular online PR for an indefinite period.
It is possible toban existing website but if this has not
been constructed with optimization in mind then the issue
is more time consuming and therefore costly. Nevertheless
if the existing site already has a valuable number of returning
buyers and a reasonable Search Engine Placement already it
might be better to work with what you have. Either way employ
with them as soon as you can.
Happy Birthday, Digital
27th October, 2009 17:09 PM
The Banner Campaign that Started a $24 billion Business, and
Got a 78% Click-through Rate
Oct. 27 marks the 15th anniversary of the industry's first
banner display ads, which appeared on Hotwired.com. To the
many of you reading this who weren't in the business back
then, that's not a typo; I'm not referring to www.HotWire.com,
the travel site, but HotWired -- the first commercial digital
magazine on the web and the offshoot of Wired magazine.
Its launch in 1994 was not without debate internally as to
whether the ad units offered to the advertiser community should
be simple text links or graphical ad banner units. Graphical
ad display banners won out and the rest is history. And take
a look at the hilarious come-on AT&T used to generate
a click-through: "Have you ever clicked your mouse right
HERE? You will!"
The reaction ran from enthusiastic to somewhat leery. MCI,
as one would expect, was truly supportive of our proactive
initiative. Their corporate culture encouraged exploration.
Volvo, on the other hand, understood the value of our experimenting
with the new medium, but did not want to push/urge any interaction
with the consumer. They didn't know what to expect, did not
know how to handle responses and was concerned legal implications
were involved. As a result, you see the first Volvo ad banner
was nothing more than the Volvo logo and photo of an auto.
No call to action or direction to click was to be incorporated
into the Volvo banner. In fact, if someone clicked on that
banner in October of 1994, it would take them to a simple
questionnaire that could be emailed by the consumer on what
kind of Volvo they might be interested in.
HotWired was the first commercial web magazine to attract
blue chip corporate sponsorships dollars on the web. The site
launched shortly before Netscape's browser, and the advent
of such other new media such as Pathfinder.com (Time Inc.'s
commercial web content offering) and Cnet.com.
Looking back at the birth of this industry and the first
simple graphical banners, I am still amazed at how much has
been achieved in the first 15 years. That said, I anxiously
await the further advancements coming our way in terms of
new ad technologies, ad forms and ad measurement capabilities
(e.g. attribution modeling). The issues surrounding display
banners and online brand measurement are many and have been
well chronicled (see the recent special eMarketer report entitled
The Online Brand Measurement: Connecting Dots for example).
Research suggests we have a long road ahead in terms of measurement
-- and I don't disagree; however, I'm not convinced we're
that far off. I don't believe there will ever be a "silver
bullet" to solve all of our problems, as our industry
is constantly evolving, becoming more complex and proving
to be a moving target. But all that said, from what we have
learned through the use of fundamental building blocks of
acquired knowledge, industry and case studies, the use of
traditional media metrics, the use of existing best measurement
practices for digital and a quest to continually "test
and learn," we will ultimately be successful.
Has any one item in our industry been encased with so much
debate -- at times even disdain -- as to its true value, role
and contribution to marketing communications from its inception
in 1994 to this day? Yet the display banner is the impetus
to the creation of the online advertising category that will
reach beyond $24 billion in 2009, according to eMarketer.
Perhaps more important, no other development since has advanced
advertising measurement, effectiveness and accountability
than the display banner.
So on Oct. 27, I hope you will join me in toasting the birthday
of the banner display ad -- whether you are a "cup is
half-empty" or "cup is half-full" type of person.
Some days I love the business and others day... well, not
so much... but I have to admit: it's been an unbelievable
15 years.
I leave you with a challenge... Can you guess the two-word
copy from one of the original banner ads that generated 78%
click-through rate? I look forward to your answers.